blogger as usual is messing up -- so you'll have to check out my pictures link to see evidence of my latest adventures :) -- i dont know why i am having so much trouble with it, but alas, of course i cant hope to fix it!
last night i just discovered 'nusnet' -- we can watch television online on the school server -- things are about to get really dangerous, i fear... i just watched a documentary on singapore and now they have moved on to christopher columbus -- less interesting but you know how tv starts to suck you in.... alas, i will try my best to fill my time with something else!
so last week i actually did some work and completed a draft of one of my 3 essays... this was on wednesday and i promptly shut off my brain for the rest of the week!! i wrote my essay on the sex trade in Thailand and how government policies and complacency has led to a situation where the country is known world wide for its sex trade, women and children are being trafficked and AIDS is on the rise... its a pretty sad situation really... i initially had wanted to do something on tourism in south east asia and its impact on the people who live here- but unfortunately there wasnt enough material... but it really got me thinking about the impact of my travelling on the places i go to -- for example: the high amount of natural resources it takes to fly, the strain my consumption of electricity and water puts on already taxed infrastructure, how tourism helps to entrench gendered roles and limits the choices of the people impacted.... anyway, before you all fall asleep- its really interesting stuff! i swear!
on thursday night we went to New Asia Bar which is on top of the Swisshotel -- happy hour is from 3-9 (not bad eh? kind of compensates for the 20 dollar drinks - which are half price during this time!) checked out the view of singapore -- sure that you'll find it pales in comparison to hong kong--- its mainly just endless rows of apartments that everyone here lives in!! it was good fun though- dressed up and most of us had some nice cocktails--- i say 'most' becuase i was greatly amused by the one called 'gentle testicles' (ridic!) and of course had to order it-- and it was AWFUL -- take a look at my pics for my genuine reaction... serves me right, i guess :(
friday anna, tanya and i went to luke's place for a party - luke also goes to western and himself, his girlfriend, and two other people share an appartment- which is AMAZING -- the apartment itself is really nice and fairly big, and the ammenities! they have a pool, a gym, a sauna, a hot tub, tennis courts and even a mini putt!! imagine! it was dark but i took a bunch of pictures and couldnt stop gushing --- what difference compared to the halls of prince george's park where i spend my time! and as for the party (hahaha) it was very good, spent the evening out on the patio by the pool chatting and having some drinks...
at the end of the week, tanya and i decided that we wanted to go to a beach for the weekend - given our poor planning skills we didnt actually leave for this excursion until sunday!! we ended up going to pulau sibu in malaysia from sunday until wednesday... its this tiny island (1km by 6km) and there was pretty much no one there! until tuesday, it was tanya and i and this older couple and a group of 20 kids and their teachers from some private school in KL (pretty nice school trip if you ask me!!) normally you'd think that 20 kids would just about ruin anything but to our great surprise, we hardly noticed they were there! this is partly because they had activities seemingly all day everyday but also because they were ridiculously well behaved! we pretty much never heard them- even during their free time!!! come to think of it, it was actually kind of creepy! (LOL) ... so for a couple days all i did was eat, sleep, swim and (gasp) school work! (its way easier to do without distractions-- case in point is the fact that i am writing this entry instead of working this right now!)
the staff there was pretty nice too -- we ended up talking a lot to the cook, who regaled us with stories of reality tv and, later one evening, his one night stint in jail for masterminding ripping off some credit card!! i also went swimming at night - which was really awesome because i am totally scared of water at night and also of all the bloody crabs that were out chillin for the evening--- funny part is that i went with some english dude that worked there who i didnt realize was hitting on tanya and i when we were on the shore -- until i was out in the water with him and he started talking about how lonely it is on the island and how girls have treated him bad in the past -- tanya of course had had the sense not to come into the water-- so there i was, being all sympathetic and at the same time marvelling at my stupidity.... lol... one day i'll get it
we came back to singapore yesterday afternoon and then went to a graduation dinner for law students here... it was really nice... we got all dressed up, and the food was fantastic! it even made me a little nostalgic about the end of my law school days... and not being at home to finish them!! it was nice nonetheless and i'm happy that at least i started to feel some of that - given that sometimes it feels so far away from where i am now- and it was fun to have a dinner to commemorate graduation, even if it wasnt with my class! .... on a side note, one of my profs stopped me when we were going into the dinner to ask me 'whether i had time for such an even given my school work'... i'm not so hot on this prof because has sent me a couple relatively rude emails and also insists on calling me rachel despite the fact that i dont even call myself that! of course i gave my 'polite girl' answer... but then, guess who ended up at our dinner table!! ridic- it figures! he's even in a pic with me and jo - taken just before he started asking us what we think of singaporean guys - eek! i'll save my answer for my next entry where i plan to outline some of the highlights of 'singaporean' culture as i see it.... since i'm here all this weekend... rest assured this will come sooner than later!